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“Reiki is love,

Love is wholeness, 

Wholeness is balance,

Balance is well being,

Well being is freedom from disease”


~ Dr Mikao Usui

My name is Agnieszka (Agnes).

I have completed three degrees in the Usui System of Natural Healing and I am certified Master - Teacher of Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho.


I am also a proud mother and a happy wife.

I believe that each one of us comes into the world with our own mission. I also believe that we are responsible for our own lives. We are creators of our own lives and our own reality.

To live fully, we must take life in our own hands. We must take responsibility for ourselves, for our thoughts, words, deeds and actions. It is not the outside world that creates our lives, we create them, just through words, thoughts and deeds. 

Over 90% of our thoughts are responsible for our well-being, disease and illnesses. So in order to recover, we must really want to. We should believe that we deserve to be healthy and should believe that healing is happening, right here and now.

I believe that working with Reiki - the energy of unconditional love, coming directly from our heart chakra, we can heal our minds, souls and bodies. We can heal our codes and beliefs that are not ours. We can regain our strength and health and start to create our lives in a joyful, easy and enjoyable way.

My personal Reiki stamp. Do not copy.
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